In clinical practice, the child that presents with either A.D.D or A.D.H.D is usually a stand out. The terminology can be confusing. A.D.D is Attention Deficit Disorder. A.D.H.D is Attentional Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It thought that there are 3 forms that this disorder takes 1. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Primarily Inattentive Type: Children that presentRead more
In clinical practice, focus is always on the client’s presenting communication or swallowing disorder. The assessment of developmental deficits, clinical signs, behavioural and play patterns, family dynamics and styles of interaction, enables you to form a diagnosis and determines your therapeutic approach. There is an important feature of clinical management however, that takes place whenRead more
Most health professionals are well aware that stress can be hazardous and effect functional activity. The impact of stress can range from the excessive secretion of gastric acid in the stomach, to stress related back, neck and headache. General stress decreases life enjoyment, functional activity and certainly productivity in the workplace. Clinically, when assessing andRead more
As Speech Pathologists we recommend a variety of strategies and techniques for stimulating receptive, expressive and pragmatic language skills. As parents you may well, already be aware of these techniques as some of them come naturally when you are communicating with your child. Please consider the following: Provide Information Clearly • Gain your child’s attentionRead more
In clinical practice, having seen thousands of families over the years, the issue of behaviour management comes up frequently. Whether it is the family that presents with an active little boy or perhaps a developmentally delayed child that seems to ignore simple requests and direction, parents can be easily reach terminal levels of frustration andRead more
Pragmatics is an interesting field of Speech Pathology. It involves the study of how context contributes to meaning. Within a conversation the transfer of meaning depends, not only on the linguistic knowledge, that is grammar and lexicon, but also the context of the utterance, the knowledge of the status of those involved and the inferredRead more
As a Speech Pathology student my very first subject was that of Linguistics. I am very pleased that it was because this very important subject and area of research and study, forms the basis of speech and language function. It gave the student a firm and meaningful base to study and made sense of ourRead more
Transactional Analysis is an important aspect of our communication skills. It is not what you say but how you say it. It is important to be aware of the various styles that individuals maintain and are using. Transactional analysis can explain communication breakdown and can assist us to improve our communication with our clients, staffRead more
In Speech Pathology practice, as in life, the first and most important skill to develop is listening. In business, you soon learn that everyone has their own challenges and blocking behaviours when it comes to listening. Some of these blocks are: Too busy Will only listen to something that we perceive will be of interestRead more
Please seek professional opinion and advice if you are concerned about a communication, developmental or swallowing problem. Click below for more.
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